Cruz Roja

Development a web page for a architecture studio that reflect the company’s value and goals. Also, the site should look with a wow effect in order to grab the users attention.

YOU by Jhon Roncancio

Development a web page for a architecture studio that reflect the company’s value and goals. Also, the site should look with a wow effect in order to grab the users attention.


Prototype proposal for the Decomood App, an application that allows users to easily buy and sell designer furniture, as well as create galleries, product matching and more.

Hyperloop One

Hiperlood One was a transportation system that would arrive in Europe in 2023, a realization for the launch campaign in Spain and Europe.

Ofhelia Gastrobar

Creation of the Corporate Identity of the tapas bar and restaurant Fusion Food Ofhelia, located in the Altamira Village Tourist Center, Caracas – Venezuela.

Reene Arquitectura

Development a web page for a architecture studio that reflect the company’s value and goals. Also, the site should look with a wow effect in order to grab the users attention.


After defining an appropriate composition, you will learn to retouch and integrate all the elements using a host of tricks that will make your projects look like we never imagined. Free creations, photo retouching and photo manipulation.

Melomanie app

Prototype proposal for the Melomanie App, a dating and meeting management application that allows users to meet other users with the same musical tastes.

Ilustración digital

Categoria: Ilustración digital Fotomontaje Retoque fotográfico Programas: Ilustraciones varios de personajes y combinación de técnicas para crear efectos como el del sapo en la primera gráfica.


Categoria: Diseño gráfico Identidad Corporativa Realización y edición de videos Programas: Realización de la imagen gráfica de Melomanie, un concepto musical que reune Djs internacionales en Venezuela. Se llevaron a cabo desde la creación del logotipo, diseños para vallas, stands, banderines, impresos hasta la realización y edición de videos para promociones, eventos y más.